Frequently Asked Questions


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Have Multiple dogs?

“I have more than one dog, do I need to purchase a training package for each dog?”

When there are two dogs in the home that both need training, it is appropriate to work with both dogs at the same time only if:

  • Both dogs need to work on the same skills/behaviors and two human handlers can be present.

  • The case requires BMOD (behavior modification) to resolve fights among two resident dogs.

Options for how a single Private Training Package for two dogs might be structured include:

  • Working with a different dog every other session. (Sessions would still be scheduled every other week).

  • Dedicating the first half of a session to one dog and then switching to working with the other dog half way through. (Sessions would still be scheduled every other week).

Purchasing a package for each dog is necessary only if:

  • The behavior needs in question are drastically different, for example: one dog is a puppy who needs basic training and the other is an adult who needs help with reactivity on walks.

Options for how multiple packages purchase for multiple dogs might be structured include:

  • Working with a different dog every other session. (Sessions could be scheduled once a week, twice a week, or twice every other week.)

  • Dedicating the first half of a session to one dog and switching to working with the other dog half way through is an option. However, it’s important to note that each dog will make more progress if more sessions are purchased. (Sessions could be scheduled once a week, twice a week, or twice every other week.)

Ultimately, training is challenging to do effectively with two (or more) dogs present and each dog WILL need to practice individually both in sessions and out of sessions (at home) for the training to truly take hold.

Virtual Training?

Have you been offered or recommended remote training via Zoom? and you’re thinking, “How do I know virtual training will be effective?”

We’re frequently asked, “Don’t you need to see my dog’s behavior in order to help resolve it?

While it may seem counterintuitive at first, remote training can actually be extremely effective, especially for dogs with reactivity. There are many 'hidden' benefits, you could say! In-person training can sometimes get in the way of initial progress because it can make everything more challenging for the dog. Our goal is always to train in such a way that ensures a safe and errorless learning journey for you and your dog.

Having a trainer present can significantly alter how your dog naturally behaves, which can result in a less accurate picture of the nature of the relationship dynamic and source of the problem behavior.

Empowering & Effective

So much of what goes into a successful training program is actually coaching humans how to train their dogs themselves. Our philosophy and goal is to transfer skills to dog guardians, teaching them how to observe their dog’s behavior and help them nurture a mutually beneficial and joyful relationship.

Individualised & Innovative

With the help of modern technology, we’re able to deliver the most up-to-date, evidence based training techniques to you wherever you are! You’ll be able to access your training plan, review videos and handouts, track your progress, and ask questions, all online! Like having a trainer in your back pocket!

Testimonials from clients who have trained with Noble Woof remotely:

“I was initially hesitant about doing virtual dog training as the majority of the training I had done with my dog had been in person. However, I knew that Brie had an excellent reputation in the training community and my vet highly recommended working with her, so I thought I'd give it a try and I'm glad I did! While there are some downsides to virtual training (mainly the trainer can't demonstrate the training exercises with your dog), there were more unexpected positive aspects to it - I feel like Brie was often better able to see and watch for different cues from my dog in the virtual environment, sessions were easy to record and rewatch (Brie even shared some of them with her mentor for feedback), and my dog wasn't overexcited or acting differently due to the presence of a new and exciting person. It was also really convenient for me - I didn't have to juggle traveling with my dog to a training location, or coordinate having someone in my home. I feel like the training better translated to a non training environment for my dog since our training sessions weren't novel. Brie is still able to demonstrate techniques with her own dogs when needed, and she is very skilled at talking through and explaining what she wants you to do. No regrets working with Brie virtually!”

~ Katie & Sammy

“Working with Brie in private sessions over zoom has been so helpful for me and my 1.5 year old dog. Not only do I get all the benefit of her expert feedback and guidance that private training provides, but I don’t have to wait for my dog to acclimate to a new place or deal with the unknown variables involved with travelling, getting excited about other people/dogs/etc. The virtual session really allows us to have our own training routine that’s just focused in our home. I have also had private trainers come to my house, and in contrast this zoom training provides the benefit of really minimizing my dogs’ distractions and mimicking our everyday training routine so that Brie can make interventions and suggestions in our training that are more true to life. I also appreciate that they are recorded, as I have replayed it on occasions where I can’t remember the specific instruction she gave. I think our zoom sessions really allow us to focus on training the trainer (me!) to work better with my dog in our everyday contexts.”

~Kenzie & Rio

Do I have to use a clicker?

A clicker is useful as a precise 'marker' but is not absolutely necessary in order to effectively implement Marker Training techniques. Some people prefer to use a verbal marker such as the word, “yes!”

We recommend watching THIS VIDEO from the page on our website about Positive Reinforcement Training which elaborates on the efficacy of using a marker (such as a clicker) when training non-human animals.


How many sessions?

“How many sessions do I need to achieve my training goals?”

Private Training

The quantity of sessions needed depends on the individual dog as well as your expectations of the outcome. Most behavior change journeys require life-long learning and training.

Due to a variety of factors nobody can know how many sessions or how much time it will take to see a significant change in your dog’s behavior. Generally speaking, if a trainer “guarantees” they can “fix” a behavior in any amount of time, this should be considered a red flag. Behavior (in any species) cannot be guaranteed.

Our smaller Private Training packages are a great way to “dip your toes” into….

Day Training & Enrichment Program

A generalized estimate at the amount of time needed to get maximum results would likely be around six months. We know this isn't possible for everyone, and always like to emphasize that your dog will be receiving high level training, weekly enrichment, and it will have a lasting impact on your dog’s behavior for however long they can attend. Whether you completely achieve the training goal(s) you set when enrolling your dog in this program really depends on the dog and how much you apply the training systems they've learned in the program when at home (in between lessons).

Some of our first Day Training clients are still attending simply because they see the difference in their dog’s behavior when they’re attending the program versus when they’re not. During their time in the program their goals continue to shift and evolve as milestones are achieved. These long term Day Training dogs have been attending one to two full days a week for eight months. They are definitely our most improved and impressive group of dogs.

The least amount of time someone has stuck with the program is three months with their dog attending one half day of training a week. They expressed they were very satisfied with the results despite not being able to bring their dog longer than three months.

We hope this helps paint a picture of what to expect. Ultimately, training is always for the life of the dog. While we understand not every client can stick with the Day Training program on an ongoing basis, we believe it will certainly give your dog an energizing training boost!

Board & Train?

“Do you offer Board & Train services?”

We do not currently offer Board & Train services. It can be hard to find high-quality Board & Train operations run by Certified Professional Dog Trainers who use positive reinforcement methodologies. Many Board & Train operations employ the use of aversive tools and/or put the animals in aversive situations and/or environments.

If you’re seeking Board & Train services, we’d love to help you make sure it’s a good fit for you and your dog and that your values align with the training company. If you'd like some tips on how to determine if a training company is a good fit for you, we recommend reading this article written by Noble Woof founder Brie Blakeman. You may also refer to this web page to learn more about credentials in the dog training industry.

Also, because learning can be so contextual for dogs, skills learned in Board & Train environments do not always transfer to their normal home environment or primary care-giver, especially if there’s not an existing or ongoing coaching relationship with the trainer.

Do you offer discounts?

We are committed to creating and being a safe place for all and strive to make high quality dog training accessible to all.

We are happy to offer discounts for BIPOC and other marginalised communities.

Please reach out to Katrina at for more information.

We can’t wait to meet you and your dog!

Why internal parasite prevention treatement?

Information on why we require internal Parasite Prevention - coming soon!

How does Day Training differ from Daycare?

Our day training program is not a free-roaming daycare. It’s focused on training and structured skill-building. Dogs have brief play sessions, depending on whether there’s an appropriate play match for them present on that day.

If your dog struggles with confinement or finds it difficult to settle without constant play, they may not thrive in this environment. We want every dog in our program to be comfortable and successful, so if we find your dog is too frustrated or stressed by the setup, we may recommend private training as a better option.

We’re committed to finding the right fit for you and your dog, and we’d be happy to discuss any concerns or answer any questions you might have before scheduling an evaluation.

Don’t see your question here? Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Email or text ‪971.246.7754‬ *No training advice